Montana Decoy Antelope Buck Decoy
Montana Decoy Antelope Buck Decoy
Product Number: 650-0003
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There is no better animal to hunt with a decoy than an antelope buck. Flash the Antelope Buck decoy to a rutting pronghorn and get ready for an exciting encounter. The antelope rut is short and bucks have little time to tolerate challengers of their harems. You have little time to close the deal on the buck of your dreams. Make the most of this short window with the ultra-portable Antelope Buck decoy. Compatible with the Quickstand (*sold separately).

Product Features

• Folds flat to a compact size of 13" x 10" and pops up to full size in seconds.
• Lightweight design and quick setup allows mobility during the antelope rut.
• HD photo realism catches the eyes of possessive rut-crazed bucks.
• Fits the Quickstand* for better spot-and-stalk performance."
• Built using an actual Pronghorn Buck photograph
• A must for any Pronghorn hunt


• Weight: 28 oz (with poles)
• Unfolded: 38" x 30"
• Folded: 13" x 10"