Montana Decoy Dinner Belle Turkey Hen Decoy
Montana Decoy Dinner Belle Turkey Hen Decoy
Product Number: 650-0043
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We hope your trigger finger is in shape. You’re going to need it once you set up this turkey decoy. The reassuring pose of a feeding hen decoy communicates confidence to incoming birds in all hunting situations. From spring to fall, east to west and by itself or with one of our toms, the HD photography of the Dinner Belle turns a turkey’s best defense into a weakness by using visual realism never before seen in turkey decoys. Feel that? It’s your trigger finger getting itchy.

Product Features

• Carry it with you all season long. It folds flat to a compact size of 9" x 6" and sets up in seconds.
• Works on it’s own or paired with a tom or other hens.
• HD photo of a real hen in a feeding pose calms call-shy toms.
• Helps keep the focus off the shooter when calling in wary toms.

• Works any time of year, anywhere in the country

Product Specs

• Weight: 8 oz
• Unfolded: 29" x 10"
• Folded: 9" x 1"