

   The FABARM Factory launched early 1900 by the Galesi Family. Focusing on side by side shotguns and pistols in its early years, production took off after the second world war with over-and-under shotguns, breakdown barrels for other brands and carbines.

    In the 70’s, FABARM’s success on the world competition stage cemented their position in the shotgun market becoming one of the few businesses to master the technique of semi-automatic reloading. Patents such as the Tribore Barrels, pulse pistons, XLR, etc; have carried FABARM through to the present with a wide array of options including professional and pump shotguns.

FABARM Semi-Auto Shotguns

FABARM Side by Side Shotguns

FABARM Over & Under Shotguns FABARM Pump Shotguns

FABARM Parts & Accessories